The Gender Leadership Program (GLP) was an initiative taken by Oxfam Pakistan – Women Voices and Leadership (WVL) program team to capacitate the selected women personnel of the Women Rights Organizations (WROs) on leadership.
Ms. Viqar-un-Nisa Syed, Senior Program Officer, Awaz-e-Niswan (AAN) participated in GLP comprising of three modules spread over a year from June 2021 to March 2022. Each module was of one week, Module I was conducted in June-July 2021, while module II was held in October 2021. In the end of each module, GLPiers developed their projects and plan of actions to implement those. The GLPier conducted two awareness sessions on Political and Social Rights of Minorities in the Christian community with women after Module I and II.
After Module II, the GLPier also developed a Team Cluster inside the Organization consisted of two women and a male colleague with the purpose to engage colleagues in the learning leading to more conducive working environment. The two sessions and discussions with the team led to knowing and understanding gender roles prevailing in the society, gender analysis, power, identities and stereotypes and becoming aware of each-others’ personality traits and types as well as conflict management.
The GLP (Gender Leadership Program) came to an end with Module III. Module III was held in Karachi from February 28 – March 4, 2022. As a result of knowledge and skills attained throughout the modules, the GLPiers developed and implemented individual projects in their personal and professional spheres. GLPiers also exhibited and presented their projects during the week to the WVL donors.
On the last day of the Module III, participants were awarded certificates for successfully completing the program. The GLPiers will continue to apply the learning in their personal and professional domains.