• January 10, 2020 - 9:30am
  • Islamabad, Pakistan

Awaz-e-Niswan (AAN), has been formally approved to enter into a formal partnership with OXFAM around Women Voices Leadership project which is a collaborative initiative of OXFAM and Global Affairs Canada in Pakistan. Under this project, Oxfam will work with AAN, providing organizational capacity building, core and responsive programmatic and knowledge-based support to  effectively realize its vision of gender justice.

In this regard, Organizational capacity building training was offered to AAN, based on self-identified needs determined using Oxfam’s Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (CAT). From these assessments, AAN developed a capacity-building strategy reflecting its needs. Building on Oxfam’s experience of capacity building in past with other women rights organistions (WROs), capacity building processes and modules will be designed.  Focus themes for modules include women transformative leadership, gender-just structures and processes, organizational resilience and sustainability, strategic gender justice relationships and linkage, transformative gender just programming, advocacy. AAN staff, BOD’s and volunteers participated enthusiastically in the CAT workshop


  • Start Date:January 10, 2020
  • Start Time:9:30am
  • End Date:January 11, 2020
  • End Time:5:00pm
  • Location:Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Website: