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Handwashing and

While COVID-19 is spreading in
Pakistan, handwashing is one of the
most important things in the fight
against it. Find out more about our

WaterAid's Response
Pakistan sits at the crossroads of Asia and the Middle East, a geographically and culturally diverse nation with fast-growing power and influence.
It has the world’s sixth-largest population and is rapidly urbanising, which makes reaching everyone with basic services extremely challenging. People are moving to towns faster than in any other South Asian country, straining already limited services. And natural disasters present further obstacles to development and the sustainability of water and sanitation services.



people lack access to clean water close to home.

Watch this film to learn more about the water crisis



40 %

of the population lack a handwashing facility with soap and water. Check out more here

Watch this film to learn more about the importance of hand-washing

WaterAid in Pakistan

We started in 2006 in Pakistan and have remained focused on tackling the issues of
water, sanitation and hygiene that contribute in people’s lives.


We emphasise on the consolidation of the past programme accomplishments, replication and scaling-up successful models for sustainability.

Learn more about our exciting work


We aim to inspire people with compelling stories that ignite change, making these basic human rights normal for everyone, everywhere.

Read the stories of people from our communities


There is a lot happening in the course of our work. From work on the ground to collaboration with the governments and partners.

Read the stories of people from our communities

Facts and statistics

21 million people lack access to water close to home in Pakistan. 70 million lack decent toilets.

Read the stories of people from our communities here, with some recommendations